Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is multi level marketing

Multi level marketing is known as network marketing. This is a kind of business where franchising and direct selling are combined. This business makes a person associated to a company in an independent transaction approach. It is an approach where the company creates a contactor relationship to the person who wants to expand his business.

The members make their earnings based on the sales they have reached in that particular product or service. It also includes the sales of the person that they have recruited to join the business. Most of the time the individual who has recruited more members and provided a good sales output on the product compensate higher because of the effort to transact in two different fields.

There are “pyramid schemes” or Ponzi schemes, which are considered illegal. Most people associate multi level marketing to these kind of schemes because they also recognize themselves to be a legitimate networking business. Because of the bad image brought up by these schemes, many prefer to use their names for their businesses as “home based business franchising” or “affiliate marketing”.

Commissions are earned in the process of selling a particular product or service in a legitimate network marketing. There can be no earnings in what they call as a “sign up fee” or for just recruiting yourself alone. This kind of marketing is always criticized because of the questionable recruitment process where they get their revenue and profit. They get their sales from members and new members, which are considered the end users of the product and as the distributors.

These criticisms led to the major changes in the multi level marketing in the early 1980s when many companies have started to allow their members to concentrate only on marketing and not on distributing or stocking the product. Most multi level marketing firms nowadays perform as fulfillment firms by taking the tasks of shipping the product, paying the commissions and taking orders from their clients.

Many people who are victims of the illegal schemes in multi level marketing are required to buy expensive products, but most of these schemes do not last long because most of the sales are not easily resold.

5 tips to help you identify who to market to

If you have your own small business, it's important to decide exactly who you will be marketing your products or services to. After all, you probably don't have the time or the money to market to everyone. And even if you did, it is not recommended.

You'll want to select what is called a "target audience." This is an identifiable group of people you believe will be the best prospects for your business.

But for many small business owners, narrowing their focus to one primary group of people can be a challenging task. They want to help everyone — and very often their product or service CAN help a variety of people.

It also goes against human nature to narrow your focus in order to grow a business. Common sense seems to tell us if we want to grow our business big, we need to appeal to more people.

In reality the opposite is true. When we narrow our focus to a particular group of people we become an expert in solving their particular problems. We get to know them very well and we can develop additional products and services to fill their needs.

So how do you decide who to market to?

Following are 5 tips:

1) Think about the type of people who can MOST benefit from what you have to offer.

2) Think about who you would most enjoy helping, or working with.

3. Think about the type of people who will be easiest to reach, AND who will be most receptive to what you are selling. These will be people who KNOW they have THE problem you can solve and are LOOKING for a solution.

4) Know that just because you select a particular group of people to focus your marketing on, does NOT mean you can't help others who may come to you. It only means you're going to focus your proactive marketing efforts on the target group you select.

5) Lastly, don't over-think it. Listen to your gut, pick a group you feel you can really help and proceed with the development of your marketing plan. Marketing is a fluid process. The important thing is to start. You can always refine your audience and your plan later as you learn more.

(C) 2005 Debbie LaChusa

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Consumer debt solution - analyzing your options

You have several options to reduce your consumer debt. You can take the do-it-yourself approach by consolidating debts into a low rate loan. You can also find help through companies that management payments or negotiate debt elimination. Each option has pros and cons, and should be analyzed carefully before committing to a specific approach.

Do-It-Yourself Approach

Refinanced mortgages and home equity loans can help consolidate your short term debt into one easy payment while reducing your interest rates. Your interest is also tax deductible.

Consolidating loans can lengthen your payment period, increasing over all interest payments. There are also loan fees to consider, especially when refinancing your mortgage. Some home equity loans and lines of credit don’t have opening fees in exchange for higher rates. Your credit score will also be affected having another open account.

Companies That Can Help

Companies can offer two different types of help for dealing with your consumer debt. Debt management companies handle payment for all your short term credit accounts. For a small monthly fee, they will pay your bills, negotiate lower interest rates, and close accounts. Depending on your creditors, your credit score may or may not be affected.

With a debt negotiation company, you can see 10% to 50% of your debt eliminated on some accounts. Such an approach can help you avoid bankruptcy, but there are long term affects on your credit. You will also have to report reduced debt as income on your taxes.

Comparing Options

Before you sign a contract for a loan or service, compare several different companies. Request their rates and terms, and compare them with others. Legitimate companies will freely provide you with information. You can also find information online through company sites. For detailed quotes, you will need to submit some basic financial information such as debt amounts.

Getting Advice

You can also find help with a credit counselor over the phone or in person. Certified counselors look over all your finances and help you come up with a plan to handle your debt and living expenses. They may recommend simply following a budget or using a particular service, such as debt management.

Your kailua vacation rental options

Are you interested in booking a stay at a vacation rental for your next Kailua, Hawaii vacation? If you are, you will soon find that you have a number of different options. A few of your options, as well as situations that they may be best for, are outlined below.

One of the many options that you have, when staying in Kailua, is booking a stay at a vacation home. Kailua vacation homes are popular among tourists. One of the many reasons why they are popular is because many are private and they have home-like feels. You will also find that vacation homes are often full of great and much needed features, including washers and dryers, dishwashers, cable television, internet access, and so forth. If you carefully choose your Kailua vacation home, you may gain access to a swimming pool or a garden patio area.

Kailua home rentals are ideal for all vacationers, especially those who enjoy having privacy and a home-like feel. With that in mind, some Hawaii tourists can benefit from vacation home rentals more than others. For instance, if you are looking to take a romantic getaway or a honeymoon, you may enjoy the privacy of a vacation home rental. If you are traveling with your family or a large group of friends, you may enjoy the large space that accompanies most home rentals.

Another one of your options, when looking to take a Kailua vacation, is renting a condo. When renting a Kailua condo, you are provided with a certain level of privacy, but not as much privacy as provided with a vacation home rental. For example, you will be able to rent your own living space, but there will be other residents or tenants in your condo complex.

As with vacation home rentals, Kailua condos are ideal for all vacationers, but they are ideal for those traveling in small groups. Although vacation condo rentals do come in a number of sizes, you will find that they typically have one or two bedrooms. Perhaps, the only downside to renting a Kailua condo is that they are difficult to come by. If you are able to find an available Kailua condo that you like, you are urged to make your reservations right away.

You also have the option of booking a stay at a Kailua villa, when taking a Kailua vacation. What is nice about villa rentals is that they are luxurious and elegant in nature. Generally speaking, a villa rental is a step up from a vacation home rental. Although there will be some variances, Kailua villas are often large in size, somewhat secluded, and are often stocked full of great features, such as swimming pools and hot tubs.

As with all other Kailua vacation home rentals, Kailua villas are ideal and available for anyone who wants to rent them. With that in mind, the elegance and luxury of them makes them perfect for romantic getaways and honeymoons. Since most villas are large in size, you may also find villa rentals perfect for large group trips, such as a surfing trip with friends.

Although not as popular as Kailua vacation homes, condos, and villas, you will also find Kailua apartment rentals available for booking. These rentals are traditional apartments. In fact, if not rented for vacation purposes, these rentals would likely be filled with local tenants. One of the few downsides to renting a Kailua vacation apartment is the privacy. While you will still have your own private rental, you may hear your neighbors coming and going.

Due to typically being small in size, Kailua vacation apartment rentals are ideal for those who are on romantic getaways or honeymoons. Speaking of small sizes, you will find that size has an impact on cost. Vacation apartment rentals are one of the most cost effective ways to vacation in Kailua. If you are on a budget or just looking to limit your vacation expenses, a Kailua apartment rental may be worth looking into.

As outlined above, you have a number of different options when looking to find a Kailua vacation rental to stay at. If you are still unsure as to which type of vacation rental is best for you and your needs, you may want to take the time to examine all of your options. This is nice and easy to do with websites, such as HawaiianBeachRentals. com.

Pay as you go car insurance

You can pay as you talk with a cell phone plan, so why not pay as you drive auto insurance? It sounds like a good idea; but would pay as you drive auto insurance work for you? The idea behind pay as you drive auto insurance is simple. Basically its this - if you do not drive very much, you will not pay high insurance premiums. Advocates for this type of insurance policy think that there are many merits to this type of program. What if you car pool to work, or take public transit? You are not using your car very much so why are you paying high premiums. With a pay as you drive auto insurance premiums you would be able to quite literally pay as you go.

Another situation where this plan would be of benefit is that of many retirees who have winter homes in temperate climates, the 'snowbirds' living in Florida or Arizona six months of the year and six months in New York or Toronto for example. Essentially the insurance companies would set an average driving amount for each car type. It could then be broken down into a cents per mile basis. If you wanted to us the pay as you drive auto insurance system you could purchase a set number of miles and you would be covered for insurance during this period.

Pay as you drive auto insurance is an excellent idea for those individuals who do not use their car very much or try to find cost saving methods or environment saving alternatives. Currently this type of program is not yet available, but there are supporters in many states who are hoping to change that soon. Groups including Environmental Defense, the Conservation Law Foundation and even the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency are working to organize a national cooperative that would work with insurance companies to offer deep discounts for low-mileage drivers; halfway a step toward PAYD (Pay As You Drive) insurance.

General Motors and On-Star Offers PAYD Rates. In mid-2004 General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) Insurance began offering mileage-based discounts to OnStar subscribers located in some states. The OnStar system reports a vehicle's odometer readings at the beginning and end of the policy term to verify mileage. Motorist who drive less than specified annual mileage can receive insurance premium discounts of up to 40%. PAYD programs are also currently available in Israel, South Africa and Holland. PAYD is gaining momentum, and will be coming to your area soon.

But will it ever arrive in the biggest Car Insurance market, the UK?

There has been a lot of debate and forwarded working concepts but non yet approved. Discussions have been put in place and considerations made but for as far as the UK drivers are concerned, that is as far as it has gone. Perhaps the industry has too much to lose with this new money saving concept so it will be put off for a while, but as pressure and country’s evolve into the new scheme it would be irrational for the UK to stay behind, fingers crossed peps.

Stop snoring remedy 2

A Change in Lifestyle is A Good Remedy to Stop Snoring

Approximately 45 percent of the American population snores irregularly. However, there are also an approximate 80 percent of couples who sleep in separate rooms all because of snoring. Have you ever imagined a couple having a divorce due to snoring problem? That could really be terrible.

Really, snoring problems do not just stress the relationship of partners, the problem is also applicable to all sorts of people being struck by it, for instance a beautiful maiden despite of her beauty will really look awful in her sleep if she will produce irritating loud snores.

Do you think the prince who kissed sleeping beauty will be tempted to kiss her if she had a piercing snore? Surely, you too would doubt it.

But think of this, the social consequences brought by snoring are not that funny. A simple snore might eventually lead to sleep apnea, a disorder in sleeping where a person stops breathing for about 60 seconds, a life-threatening disease. Therefore, simple snoring should not be ignored.

Not that alone, according to recent researches snoring can also lead to diabetes. This is because snoring lessens the amount of oxygen intake, thus, the body is activated to produce more catecholamines, which could also lead to the known symptom of diabetes, insulin resistance.

Now, before we proceed to the possible treatments of snoring, it will be more effective if we will trace the root of snoring first.

Have you ever questioned yourself or other people on why do people snore?

When we are asleep, the air passes through our nose, throat and lungs naturally, noiselessly and unimpeded. Though, for millions of people, a disruption in the flow of air naturally occurs. Several reasons for this are a clogged nose, or maybe, the bottom of the tongue is hampering the breathing.

The usual reason for snoring is caused by the soft tissue in the throat or upper palate which vibrates. When the airway is blocked as it passes to the lungs, troubles come in. Basically, loud snoring is a product of the air that passes through the narrow tissue.

Now, we will attempt to answer your question, how will you stop this snoring?

Honestly, there is no specific universal answer for this, but do not get disheartened, several solutions were made to exist to help people who are suffering from this predicament, probably, like yours.

Practically, let’s focus on your lifestyle and how it will worsen your snoring, likewise, how it will cure the same problem.

Excessive eating, excessive drinking of alcohol and too much intake of cigarettes can make snoring worse. Now, the so-called “conservative therapy” of the doctors which directly pertains to the change in lifestyle, is a good primary step to cure snoring before attempting other harsh and extreme treatments, such as surgery.

A healthy lifestyle to prevent snoring is to:

• Avoid large meals before sleeping, have at least three hours rest after taking your last meal.

• Maintain a healthy balanced diet to keep your weight in accordance with your age, height and body type.

• Conduct a regular physical exercise to burn excess fats.

• If you are prone to allergies, lessen bedroom allergens to avoid nasal mustiness.

• Avoid sleeping with open windows.

• Sleep on your side.

• Avoid overtiredness and set up a normal sleeping pattern.

Web design choice of fixed width vs liquid layouts

If you have worked long enough for your web design company, or if you have tried designing a site on your own, you should already know by now that there are two kinds of web page layouts that you can choose from. Fixed width layouts are those wherein the width of the entire web page is set at a specific value, while liquid layouts are those wherein the width is flexible depending on how wide the online visitor's browser is. Choosing between these two layout methods can be a little difficult for a web designer, as each has its own benefits and deficiencies. Let us look through each and discover everything you need to know for you to make the right choice.

Fixed width layouts allow you to start with a specific size that you set. This allows you better and direct control so that you know how your page will look like, at least most of the time. They work best if you work with print backgrounds, as they allow for minute adjustments in the layout without inconsistencies across browsers and operating systems. On the other hand, with a liquid layout, you base the layout on a percentage of the browser's current window size. Liquid layouts allows for an efficient use of space given by any browser window or screen resolution. They are often used by web designers who want to get as much information across in a very limited space. Your web design company may ask you to choose one from the other depending on the needs of your client.

What is at stake for you and for your web design company when you choose between these two windows? Well, the method you choose has a large bearing not only on the final site design and aesthetics, but will also affect the ability of your online visitors to scan through the contents of your site. Furthermore, the layout can affect the ease, by which readers will find what they are looking for in the page, and can also reinforce or ruin your marketing efforts in the website. Thus, your web design company may stress the importance of choosing the right one depending on the message that the client wants to communicate across.

The Web Design Benefits and the Drawbacks

To help you and your web design company to decide on which to use, I will present the benefits and the drawbacks for each type of layout.

Fixed Width Layout

1. The web design Benefits

I. Allows you to come up with pages that look entirely identical no matter who is browsing and what type of browser is being used.

II. Elements such as images and graphics will not tend to overpower the text contents especially in smaller monitors.

III. No matter how wide the visitor’s browser is, the scan length will not be affected when there are large segments of text.

2. The web design Drawbacks

I. They will cause horizontal scrolling in small browser windows. Users generally dislike having to scroll horizontally.

II. Fixed width layouts usually result to large coverage of whitespace in large monitors such that there is a waste of unused space, and further vertical scrolling may be needed than necessary.

III. This layout can not deal with font size changes quite well. A small increase in the font may be tolerated, but larger increases can not be handled well that your overall layout may become compromised.

Liquid Width Layouts

1. The Web Design Benefits

I. This layout can contract and expand to fill in all available space on the page.

II. All available space is used up, thereby allowing you to display as much content as you need to in larger monitors, yet still remain viewable on smaller ones.

III. This layout can provide you consistency in relative widths, therefore allowing your page to respond dynamically to restrictions and specifications that may be imposed by your client, such as larger font sizes.

2. The Web Design Drawbacks

I Liquid layouts do not offer precise control over the page width and the elements on the page.

II. This layout may result to columns in the text which are either too wide for comfortable scanning, or too small for the text to show up very clearly.

III. Liquid layouts tend to have problems when dealing with elements in the page which has fixed width (i. e. image and graphics). If the column does not have enough space, some browsers may increase the column width, and all other elements in your page may not be in the proper order.

Many designers usually go for the mixed approach. You web design company may also suggest you to use both layouts depending on the page and the part of the site you are making. You can, for example, set your main columns to fixed width but make your side columns, headers and footers more flexible. With time and experience, you will eventually learn how to make the most out of the features of each layout type to come up with an optimized site.

In zehn schritte besser poker spielen

Nach mehrere Studien und Statistiken, machen nur knapp 95% aller Spieler beim Online Poker Profit, die meisten verlieren beim Poker Spielen Geld. Sehr schockierend aber wahr. Damit man nun endlich zu den 5% gehцrt muss man sich nach einigen Richtlinien halten

Sein Spiel ausbessern

Die meisten Spieler haben sich wild und unerfahren aufs Pokern Spielen gestьrzt, ohne sich jegliche Hintergrund Information oder Strategien anzueignen. Dies ist ein groЯer Fehler beim Poker, wenn man erfolgreich spielen will. Poker ist ein Strategie Spiel, wer kein Hintergrundwissen beim Poker hat, sollte schnell was дndern. Bьcher lesen, Videos und Hand Histories analysieren und Programme wie Poker Tracker benutzen macht zwar nicht soviel SpaЯ wie das eigentliche Poker Spielen, ist jedoch ein Muss fьr besseres Spielen.

Limits niedrig halten

Wer groЯen Profit machen will muss nicht unbedingt viel Geld ins Spiel investieren. Profit kann auch heiЯen wenig Geld einspielen und mehr Geld gewinnen. Jeder Spieler, besonders Anfдnger, sollten klein anfangen, mit nicht zu hohe Limits Spiele. Auf dieser Weise werden Verluste minimalisiert, und dann beim Gewinnen, sobald man es sich leisten kann, zu einem hцheren Limit wechselt.

Warum Verlieren

Wer viel Geld beim Poker Spielen verliert, kann gewinnen ohne jedoch Profit zu machen. Das ist schlecht und nicht das eigentliche Ziel. Wer nicht mehr gewinnt aber weniger verliert macht also ebenfalls Profit. Ein guter Spieler weiЯ genau wann er zu Callen hat und wann nicht, wann er aus dem Spiel auszusteigen hat und wann nicht.

Tilt vermeiden

Tilt ist ein Konzentrations-, Disziplin - und Vernunftverlust nach z. B. einem unglьcklichen Verlust. Wer beim spielen von Emotionalitдt anstatt Rationalitдt geleitet wird, sollte sofort mit dem Spielen aufhцren, denn ein Tilt zustand kostet den meisten Spieler viel Geld.

Schlechte Laune

Noch schlimmer als der Tilt ist einen schlechten Tag hinter sich haben und schlecht gelaunt ein Spiel anzufangen. Fьr manchgen scheint das Poker eine erholsame Wirkung zu sein, doch dies ist nicht richtig. Ein genervter Mensch neigt zu ungewollten Taten die er hinterher bereut. Dabei wird die schlechte Laune des Menschen nur vergrцЯert. Wer nicht in der richtigen Stimmung ist sollte kein Poker spielen und so Verluste vermeiden.

Verlust Limit

Wer verliert, wird launischer und deprimierender. Dies fьhrt leicht zum Tilt und ohne es besser zu wissen, wird die ganze Nacht durchgespielt und mindestens ein Gewinn-Glьcksgefьhl zu empfinden. Das ist jedoch der falsche Weg um einen Profit zu machen. Wer sich ein Verlust Limit pro Spielsession legt, weiЯ immer genau wie viel er zu gewinnen hat, um ein Profit zu machen und wann er mit dem Spielen aufzuhцren hat. Selbstkontrolle ist sehr wichtig fьr ein gutes und erfolgreiches Poker Spieler.

Gute Karten, klug Spielen

Wer gute Karten hдlt, muss das Maximum aus denen herausholen. Ein guter Spieler wird Strategien erlernen und auswechseln, seinem Gegner Fallen stellen und bei einem guten Spiel den Pot hochhalten. Klug Spielen ist beim Poker Spielen sehr wichtig, das Maximale gewinnen und Minimale verlieren.

Wo und mit wem

Mit den richtigen Gegner am richtige Tisch kann man manchmal mehr gewinnen als man denkt. Man muss versuchen einen Tisch zu finden, wo viele Spieler den Flop sehen und wo groЯe Pots gespielt werden. Das bedeutet dass der Tisch sehr loose ist, was auch bedeutet dass man mit guten Karten viel Geld gewinnen kann. Wer sich die Hand Histories der Spieler genauer anschaut, kann eine Menger von seinen Mitspieler lernen und seine Strategien erahnen.

Tipp und Tricks online

Hier wurden nur wenige Tipps und Tricks vorgestellt, im Internet auf Poker Portalen, Poker Artikeln und Poker Blogs kann man eine Menge wichtige Informationen ÑŒber das Pokern Spielen wieder finden.

SpaЯ und Ziel vor Augen

Pokern Spielen sollte SpaЯ machen! Am meisten SpaЯ hat man jedoch, wenn man beim Spielen gewinnt! Also sich an Tipps und Ziele halten. Ziele immer vor Augen halten (wie lange darf man spielen, wieviel man maximal ausgeben will, wieviel man maximal verlieren darf etc.) und das Spielen in vollen Zьgen genieЯen!

Ad tracking increases your profits

How do you know whether your advertising is effective or not? The answer is to track advertising response for each ad you run.

Whether you operate a retail store, a service business, a mail order operation, or an Internet marketing business, you can measure the effectiveness of your advertising.

1. Which Publications Produce Profits?

When new customers phone or visit you, ask how they found out about you. They might say they found you through your yellow pages ad or your newspaper ad.

Record the responses and resulting sales from each ad. Then, analyze whether each particular advertisement is producing the desired results.

If an advertisement consistently produces profits for you, keep running it. On the other hand, if an ad consistently performs poorly or produces a loss, discontinue it.

In mail order, you can key each ad so that you can measure the resulting sales from each publication.

For example, you could add "Dept. A" to your name or address in the ad to indicate the July issue of a particular magazine. Key it as "Dept. B" for the August issue of the same magazine. "Dept. C" could indicate the July issue of a different magazine you advertise in.

Thus, as orders come in, you can track the response and sales made from each advertisement. From that information, you can easily determine the profitability of your ad in each publication.

2. Which Ads Produce Profits?

Not only can ad tracking show you which publications are profiitable to advertise in, but it will also help you measure the effectiveness of the ads themselves.

If you change your ad, and the results for the new ad are consistently better or worse, you can take the appropriate action; either continue or discontinue the advertisement.

Change only one element in an ad at a time.

For example, if you decide to change the price, don't change the headline. Otherwise, you won't know if the difference in results was due to the changed price or the changed headline. For greater certainty, change only one thing at a time when testing your ads.

On the Internet, you can use tracking software and services that will aid you to determine the source of your sales and the effectiveness of your advertising, article writing, and other activities.

So, whether you operate a retail store, a service business, a mail order operation, or an Internet marketing business, use ad tracking for increased profits.

Christmas article 4

4. Asides - Interesting Facts/ Notes About Christmas

It is an accepted fact that the Christmas tree tradition is one that was

brought to the shores of America by German immigrants who continued a practice

that was popular in their former homeland. Today, a Christmas tree, even a

miniature one, is present in just about every home at Christmas. It is therefore

interesting to note some little-know facts about the Christmas Tree and other

traditions related to Christmas.

The first interesting fact is the source of real Christmas Trees for some

Americans. These can be bought at a Christmas Tree Farm or at many local stores

and other places of business in just about every town and city across the

country around Christmas time. But according to the National Christmas Tree

Association, Americans buy about 330,000 Christmas trees that are real through

e-commerce or from a catalogue and have them shipped by mail-order.

The scent of real Christmas trees is the reason they are so popular. But as they

stand silently in their decorative wonder, they also are providing another

benefit. The Christmas Tree Association says the amount of oxygen produced on a

daily basis by one acre of Christmas tree is enough to provide enough oxygen for

18 people. And during the first week, a Christmas Tree at home will use up to

one quart of water each day to help retain its longevity for the many days of


Since Christmas celebrations gained popularity in America, the Christmas Tree

has always been a big tradition. During the 1950s however, artificial Christmas

trees were not always green. It was very popular during those times to have

artificial trees with other colors such as silver, pink and aqua. The appeal in

having these colored Christmas trees may have been due to the fact that they

looked shiny and bright and appeared like tinsel instead of green foliage.

An important ceremony related to the Christmas tree that gains national

attention during the Christmas season is the lighting of the National Christmas

Tree at the White House. This tradition can be credited to President Calvin

Coolidge who lit the first decorated Christmas tree outside at the White House

in 1923.

The lighting of the National Christmas Tree has also been used to convey some

symbolic meaning not related to Christmas. It was not lighted until Dec. 22 in

1963 because of a national mourning period of 30 days for the assassination of

President Kennedy. And while Teddy Roosevelt was President he gave an order that

banned the Christmas tree from the White House, not for the assassination of

President McKinley in 1901, which caused him to become president, but for

reasons related to the environment.

Also of note is that when the National Christmas Tree was lighted on Dec. 13 in

1984, temperatures were in the 70s during an unusually warm December.

Christmas has been celebrated in the United States since the 1600s although it

wasn't always very popular. It took more than two centuries into the mid-late

1860s for Christmas to become a popular holiday season all across America. So

maybe the rest of the country owes the holiday of Christmas Day to the state of

Alabama, which in 1836 became the first state to declare Dec. 25 a legal


It is interesting to note that on Christmas Day of 1789 Congress was in session.

And to show how far ahead of the game Alabama was, it wasn't until June 26, 1870

that the federal government declared Christmas as a federal holiday.

Although Christmas is based on the Christian religion, not all Christian groups

celebrate the season. Among the Christian groups who do not celebrate Christmas

and related traditions such as sending greeting cards are Jehovah Witnesses.

Jehovah Witnesses and other non-participating Christian groups say Christmas

isn't specifically mentioned in the Bible as a time or reason to celebrate and

since they strictly adhere to the word of the Bible, they refuse to celebrate


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within 90 days of sign-up, you will be credited with an additional $40.00. If,

in any 180-day period, you refer 20 advertisers who each spend more than

$100.00 within 90 days of their respective sign-ups, you will be awarded a

$600.00 bonus."

"When a publisher who signed up for Google AdSense through your referral earns

$5.00 within 180 days of sign-up, you will be credited with $5.00. When that

same publisher earns $100.00 within 180 days of sign-up and is eligible for

payout, you will be credited with an additional $250.00. If, in any 180 day

period, you refer 25 publishers who each earn more than $100.00 and are all

eligible for payout, you will be awarded a $2,000.00 bonus."

Do I need to say anything else to convince you to sign up? I Don't think so.

Just do the math and you will find out the potential of your earnings, if you

already know the programs you know what im talking about and have a better

perspective, if you don't I tell you this, you can look but I guarantee that

does not exist nothing else like it.

And don't worry, take it easy, take your time, it doesn't matter if you don't

understand any of this, the only matter is that you have a website and want to

make money with it, in the process you will discover how everything works and

how tho succeed in your goals.

That's for this and many other reasons that Google is and will be the internet's

number 1 for many years to come!

Follow the path, become rich and make your dreams come true forever!!

Seo - how to get a top ranking in google

It’s a dream come true for a webmasters site to appear at the top of Google’s search results, especially if the website is actually selling a product or service. In a competitive industry this would mean that the orders would start rolling in with such a force that the business would grow incredibly quickly. Is it all just a dream? NO!

I’ve done it for hundreds of businesses and you can do it for yourself too.

The first and foremost task when trying to get your site to the top of Google is to start link building, not just any old link building but having your keywords included in your “anchor”. Anchor links are when the links are actually clickable, if for example you were selling green buttons the link would not be a www link. It would actually say “green buttons”.

The next step is choosing the correct keyword phrases for your site. Now most people want to be on the first page of Google for a one word phrase like “Buttons”. However, if you only sold buttons made of silver, it would be bringing you the wrong type of customer. It would be best to choose keyword phrases like “Silver Buttons” or “Buttons made of Silver”. This would bring you the right type of customer and it your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) efforts would show results a lot quicker.

Integrate the keyword phrases throughout your site with your best ones on your homepage. Without the keywords on your site, your site will not perform at all.

The next step is to actually go out and get some back links to your site, be smart about whom you get links from, as websites that are relevant to your industry will have far more weight when it comes to giving you good results. Getting a few powerful links with a page rank of 6 or 7 will give you almost immediate results and I have personally seen websites make it onto the first page within a couple of days.

Getting the biggest benefit from tax help

Taxes are a way of American life. They are own duty to pay and file. Many people go in search of someone to help them when tax time rolls around. Tax help seems to be in abundance from January 1st to April 15th. Unfortunately, some tax help is best avoided. Other times the tax help is something that many people have no idea how to find. Getting the biggest benefit from tax help depends why you need help in the first place and where you get that help.

Most people seek tax help because they simply can not figure out he complicated tax codes. Every year it seems something has changed and people fear doing something wrong on their taxes and ending up in trouble with the IRS. Many people look at tax help as a way to guarantee an accurate and correct tax return. They also believe they will be able to get more deductions and credits this way, which equals a larger tax return. Unfortunately most of this depends on where you chose to get your tax help.

Trained tax professionals seem like the most logical and quickest way to get tax help. Most people do not know that the IRS offers a lot of useful information for free. They can also help you prepare your return and answer any questions you may have. The new tax preparation software also does a wonderful job of helping prepare taxes. You enter information in a step-by-step process that is easy to follow. The software handles all the complicated stuff and you only need to enter figures and answer simple questions. While sometimes consulting a tax professional is a great idea, often times people get lured in by offers of larger, faster returns. These offers only result in high fees and less of a return. Sometimes there are even untrained tax help that claim they are qualified. This can lead to many problems with incorrect returns that lie solely on you, the filer.

Once you understand why you need tax help then you can begin to look for someone to help you. If you are just looking for a quick return then try the accounting software that electronically files your return. You should see it within two weeks, possibly faster if you use direct deposit. If you are concerned about understanding the complicated tax codes then you should first seek help from the IRS or another free service and then try a software program. If all else fails look for a professional service. Make sure you completely understand their terms and fees and do not buy into any catchy advertising.

Conferencing calls

Web conferencing provides a great combination of the advantages of the Internet together with voice conferencing to enable you to carry on online meetings and events like a face to face meeting with the aid of audience response tools , visuals, and other features with ease making your events and meetings productive, more interactive, entertaining and engaging through inexpensive conference calling.

Web conferencing is the term which refers to conducting presentations or meetings over the Internet live. In the initial span of time for the use of Internet, the terms "computer conferencing" and "web conferencing" were generally used to specify to group discussions that were conducted within a message board (through posted messages) i. e. they were not live. But with the advancement of technology, the term has grown to refer particularly to "live" meetings, while the posted message variety of discussion is called a "message board", "forum", or " company bulletin board", since these days live discussions are more effective. One needs to have an internet connection for web conferencing. Web conferencing requires an application software that enables any user to communicate with other conferencing people using internet. This application is provided by a "host" company which charges for using it. The people involved can exchange their ideas, information and data easily and the presenter can get the feedback immediately from all the people concerned simultaneously. This can be either an application that is downloaded on each of the attendees computers or an application that is web-based where the attendees simply have to enter a "URL" or website meeting address to enter and participate in the conference or live meeting . These web applications use either Java or Flash technology for their functioning. For many individuals and businesses entities, conference calls alleviate the unnecessary cost and troubles of travel by providing a platform to contact different people at the sane time. By using this facility a person can be contacted at the best comfort. Audio conference call service systems help organizations improve communications and business processes while significantly reducing conferencing costs Tele conference calls involve telephone solutions only - no internet or web-based technology. Conference call, using standard telephone equipment and speakerphones, was a new way to reach out and connect with distant clients.

Now, companies can save significant travel expenditure by using tele conferencing – get connected with 5, 10, or 50 co-workers, clients, or customers.

Our expert designed solutions utilize industry standards to ensure compatibility of existing networking infrastructure. It reduces overall business travel expenses and eliminates potential risk factors to employees..

Instead of the deployment of the complete or process redevelopment or network face-lifts , a network add-on is often simpler and more effective. Conference call rates are less and even allows timely, productive and effective communications between employees , businesses, investors, suppliers, and customers on a 24 by 7 basis without any hassles or disruptions.

Why bankruptcy may not always be the best option when in trouble

It's a sickening feeling when your debts start to stack up, your marketing strategy is failing, and it doesn't look like you'll ever be profitable. Your family is getting stressed, your business can't pay its bills, and customers are starting to make angry phone calls asking why the things they paid for aren't happening.

At this point, many people feel ready to throw in the towel. I'm here to tell you why you shouldn't be one of those people.

A Proverb.

There's an old Chinese proverb I'd like to share with you: the temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed. Nowhere is this more true than in home business. You might feel like you're failing over and over again, until you feel like giving up. The paradox, though, is this: you haven't really failed until you've given up.

Never Fear.

If you really want to, there will always be ways to raise money for your company. You probably have all sorts of bills for things you don't use, not to mention possessions that could be sold or downgraded. Did you know that the average person has thousands of dollars worth of random stuff just lying around in their home? In other words, you can always find the money if you're really determined and not afraid of losing everything.

The only thing you should really try to protect is your house and some money for basic food -- everything else is expendable. Never forget that the worst thing that can really happen to you is that you'll have to go out and get a job. Would that really be so tragic?

Fear is your enemy in business. You cannot give in to your fear and give up before you've given it your all -- the real reason why so many home and small businesses fail is that their owners chicken out and run away at the first sign of trouble.

The Captain Goes Down with His Ship.

When the chips are down, the only thing to do is to stake your personal success on the success of your business. After all, what's the point in bailing out before you have to? You're guaranteed to lose money that way.

Someone once told me that the difference between an average Joe and an entrepreneur is this: the entrepreneur will not give up on a business until his creditors come and take everything he owns. And even then he might try to hide from them and keep things going from his friend's basement.

Don't Tell Customers.

It might seem dishonest, but for goodness' sake do not tell any of your customers that things are going wrong because your business is in trouble. They will immediately run a mile, putting your business in a far worse situation than it was before. You must always try to make it look like everything is going just fine -- admitting problems will put the final nail in your business' coffin.

Try a Voluntary Agreement.

If your creditors are at the point of knocking on your door, you should try to get a voluntary agreement with them before you even consider declaring bankruptcy. This is when you negotiate your debts down to a lower level using the threat of bankruptcy, and your creditors sign an agreement with you to say that they will leave you alone once you've paid that money.

The Absolute Last Resort.

I simply cannot get across to you how much you should not consider bankruptcy as a viable option, ever, until you are absolutely forced into it. Think of it as being like suicide: the absolute last resort. Would you commit suicide because your business was going badly? I hope you answered no -- which means that you shouldn't consider bankruptcy either.

Having had a bankrupt company stays with you for a long time in everything you do: your credit rating, your employment history, and even just in the way you think of yourself day-to-day. It's better to have everything wrestled from your hands than to give it up voluntarily -- otherwise you'll always be tortured by wondering what would have happened if you'd kept going just a little longer.


I first got into online trading about five years ago and have been an active participant ever since. I like being able to buy and sell stocks instantly because it gives me a feeling of greater control over my finances. If things work out well, then I can take all the credit. If things go wrong, then I have only myself to blame. Because I'm so active in the market, I rely heavily on various tools, such as real time stock quotes, to help me make better decisions.

No serious investor out there can hope to consistently make money in the markets without having access to real time stock quotes. Speaking from personal experience, if I don't get real time stock quotes but instead try to work with information that's even just a few minutes old, I could stand to lose thousands of dollars (depending on what I've got to buy or sell). This is especially true on volatile trading days when prices can move several percentage points in those few minutes. Without real time stock quotes to help guide my actions, I could miss the big score that I'm always looking for.

It's no problem getting real time stock quotes when I'm sitting in front of my computer at home or when I'm watching one of the financial channels on TV. But how can I get real time stock quotes when I'm out somewhere? If I know I have to move some stocks on a given day, I can plan to park myself at my computer until I get the task done. However, there are occasions when I may want to monitor the market because crazy things are happening or simply because I want to look out for an unexpected opportunity. Getting real time stock quotes on the go was a problem for me for a while, but I've started subscribing to a special service that streams the data to both my PDA and my cell phone. Now I can follow the market no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing, which is exactly what I want to be able to do.

Today's economy is truly globalized, so an event occurring on the other side of the world can have profound effects on U. S. markets. This means that it's even more important for people with significant portfolios to be in tune with real time stock quotes during every minute that the major markets are open. If you're as serious about I am, then you should make sure you have access to real time stock quotes no matter where you are. Check out a subscription service today and stay on top of your finances.

Baby strollers - frequently asked questions

Baby Strollers are one of the major purchases you will make for your baby. There are different types of strollers and in each category there are a variety of models. This may leave you with a variety of questions. Some frequent questions along with their respective answers are listed below. They deal with everything from the handlebars to the wheels and what is appropriate for newborns to older children. Your needs, how and where you will use the stroller as well as your budget will determine the strollers you will have to choose from.

Q. What are the different types of baby strollers available?

There are single, double, and triple strollers. Jogging strollers also have single and multi-seating strollers. Strollers with multiple seats come in Tandem where one seat is directly behind the other. Stadium baby strollers have the rear seat slightly higher than the front enabling both children a view of the scenery. Some strollers actually allow you to place your children in different positions such as facing one another. Another Tandem stroller is the double-decker where the rear seat is significantly higher than the front seat.

Q. What is a height adjustable handle bar?

A height adjustable handlebar on the stroller is one that can be adjusted to the height of the parent or caregiver. This helps prevent bending while pushing the stroller and as a result there are fewer issues with your lower back.

Q. Is this stroller appropriate for a newborn?

When choosing a stroller particularly for newborns, you have to be certain that it is appropriate for your baby. The seat must recline enough to allow your baby to lie flat. A stroller that converts from a stroller, to an infant carrier, to an infant car seat might be an option. It would at least provide you with the knowledge it is good for your newborn.

Q. Are the restraint straps and buckles safe?

When purchasing your stroller make sure the straps are secure. The buckles or fasteners should be easily manipulated but not so easy that your baby could open them and risk injury.

Q. Is a second hand stroller acceptable for my baby?

For the most part yes, a second-hand stroller is acceptable for use. Before you purchase the stroller be sure to inspect all belts, straps, and fasteners. There should be no fraying or tears in the belts or straps and they should be securely in place. All fasteners should be free of cracks and still be easily used. Be sure though your baby won’t be able open it. Check the seat and make sure that the back is stable and that it won’t collapse under his weight. The reclining positions should also hold your baby’s weight. Make sure there are no sharp edges or places where little fingers can be pinched.

Q. Does this stroller come with a parent organizer?

Many newer model strollers come with a detachable tray that has a cup holder, and spaces to hold your keys, your cell phone, and a wallet.

Q, Is this a convertible stroller?

You may want to consider a stroller that has a detachable seat that becomes an infant carrier and/or a baby car seat. This would reduce the continual removal from the car seat to the stroller or to a carrier. This is a travel system and comes with a base that remains in the car.

Q. Will this stroller maneuver on any terrain?

Most strollers are made for the street or for mall walking. There are some models that have different kinds of wheels for different terrain. If you are going to use it hiking, you will want to look for a specific type of wheel. For general walking whether in the street or a mall, a simple stroller like the inexpensive umbrella types strollers.

Q. What kind of brakes does the stroller have?

The preferred type of brake is the brake that is attached to both rear wheels with a bar. This type of brake is preferred because it can be applied or released with one foot reducing the chance that one brake would not be applied and causes the stroller to roll or tip over. Some strollers come with a strap that is called a wrist brake which is worn by the parent to prevent the stroller from rolling when you are stopped for a long period of time.

Q. Where can I find out about recalls on my stroller?

The store where you purchased your stroller should have recall information. You can contact the manufacturer or search the Internet for information. You can contact the Consumer Protection Safety Commission or check consumer magazines dedicated to informing consumers on the ratings of many products.

Q. Are replacement or extra parts available for the model of baby stroller I have chosen?

When you purchase your stroller you might want to ask specifically if the stroller you have chosen has extra parts (i. e. wheels) or replacement parts. This could be helpful if you need to replace the seat liner or an extra stay in the car base for your stroller. The best source for this information would probably be the manufacturer. Check the owner’s manual to see if there is information in there on replacement parts and where you can get them.

Q. What can I do to keep my stroller in good condition?

Some of the things you can do to maintain your stroller in good condition includes not leaving it outside in bad weather. Keep the wheels in good shape, check all the belts and fasteners periodically to be sure they are not worn or broken. It is important to keep the seat cover clean. Apply the brake and make sure it holding when fully applied.

In Conclusion

Buying a stroller is very important and must be appropriate for you and your baby. Keeping your baby safe is of the utmost importance and to that end be sure that your baby never exceeds the maximum weight it is meant to hold. The manufacturer is a good source for any questions or concerns you might have about choosing a baby stroller.


car search

Conducting a car search often meant taking a drive around to the local dealerships in the area to see what they had to offer. Those looking for a used car simply had to open the classifieds to see what was out there, or they may have even spotted something for sale sitting along the edge of the road. There were also some used car lots, but they were not nearly as large or as numerous as the ones that offered new models. Either way, the search for a new or used car was always very local. That is, until the Internet came along.

I had never heard of an online car search until my dad did one to find his new truck. He was always wary of computers and the Internet in general, so I was really surprised when he told me he was going to pick up his new truck and that he had found it over the Internet. He said he did a car search within one hundred miles of where he lived in order to see what was out there. He found exactly what he wanted at a price he could deal with, and he went within a week to complete the purchase and pick up his new vehicle.

A hundred miles might not seem like a very large car search area, but if you really think about it, it is more than any one person could hope to get to when searching for a new vehicle. You couldn’t possibly cover each and every one of those dealerships, and even if you wanted to, it simple would not be cost or time efficient. This car search did the work for him and he found what he wanted within a few days. He still had to see it in person, but because it was new, that wasn’t a huge issue.

There are many sites that offer this type of car search online, and many of them are free. This does beat searching in person, but there is one drawback. There is no chance to test drive the car or truck before driving there to buy it. The test drive can be done once someone arrives at the dealership, but someone may decide they don’t like it and they will have to drive home and start their car search all over again. However, for someone who has a good idea what they want and what they want to spend, this can be a great time and money saver.

Introduction to wireless headphones

Everyone who loves music should at some point try to use a wireless set of head phones. Imagine just sitting there in your living room and decide to listen to music, but the kids are sleeping. Well you have to choice, put your headphones on and sit close to the stereo or make sure you buy a set of wireless head phones and enjoy your favourite music without having to deal with the chord. Even if you are on your computer and you would like to play some music…are you going to carry it around every time you want to go to another room, or for instance relax on your bed? Music lovers world wide are enjoying the perils of wireless headphones for along time now. Wireless headphones are very beneficial because of a few factors. Lack of cables and tangling. Being literally attached to the source of music is not necessarily a nice thing. A chord does not allow you to move freely. There is always the chance that you even forget about the chord and make a sudden move to get up and bring your computer or stereo with you. It happens; especially of the chord is a short one. Wireless head phones give you freedom of movement, you can move around in your house, for many feet away from the source without having to worry about any chords or dragging the stereo. You have freedom to move around. It is a benefit that’s goes hand in hand with owning a wireless set of headphones. You can do all those chores, round the house, while enjoying your favourite music; even vacuuming the carpets. When the vacuum cleaner is on is nearly impossible to hear anything, especially music coming from the stereo. If you have a set of wireless headphones then you can listen to your music while vacuuming. If they are a noise reducing set then you wont be able to hear the vacuum cleaner at all.

You can buy a set of wireless head phones for less than $100. Some are much more expensive. Usually professionals, studio professionals don’t need to use wireless headphones; they us the regular ones. The only music professionals that use wireless headphones are disk jockeys that really need to get rid of those nasty wires that get tangled with their equipment. Most good quality wireless headphone units have a 150 ft range limit. If you want to enjoy listening to music outside that radius all you need to do is move the base, bring it closer to the area you will be located. You can even listen to music while gardening or in the garage. As long as you're in range, you will be able to hear your music without and problems whatsoever. Wireless headphones definitely add convenience to our everyday lifes. If you are in the market of a wireless headphone then take the time and find the one that is right for your needs, the one with the right range, the right features and of course the one in the right price range.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Win big at jackpot bingo

While most bingo games come with some sort of prize for the winner, the best games to play are jackpot games, which are almost always played for a substantial monetary prize. True, the competition isn’t as fierce with traditional bingo games, but it can truly be hard to resist the temptation that those jackpot bingo games bring.

Just about all of your favorite games can now be played online, with Bingo being no exception. Most online Bingo games also offer prizes to their winners, and now, many sites are starting to offer Jackpot Bingo games as well. Some games have Super Jackpots, while others offer Progressive Jackpots. Each individual player can decide what particular online Bingo game they wish to participate in. Chances are you won’t find Jackpot Bingo offered at your favorite free online Bingo site, so don’t be surprised if you have to deposit some cash in order to play the games.

Super Jackpot Bingo games often have the largest amount of money for the winner, with some cash prizes of $5000 or more. Usually Jackpot Bingo games are played by pattern, not traditional Bingo rules.

You may have guessed from the name, in games of Progressive Jackpot Bingo, the amount of money in the pot increases the longer the game is played. You may start the game with the chance to win as little as $400, and end up winning $10000 or more, depending on the length of time the game is played. When a winner is declared, the money in the pot goes back to the starting amount, and the cycle starts all over again. While it can be frustrating to sit for long periods of time at the same Progressive Jackpot Bingo game, the longer you sit at the same time, the more money you have a chance to win, so keep that in mind.

There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment you will get from winning a large Bingo Jackpot that is for certain. Anytime you win any kind of cash prize you should feel absolutely elated, but you will also enjoy your moment in the spotlight as well. With online Bingo, you have people that you don’t even know cheering you on and giving you their congratulations, and that is a really good feeling.

While you may not be able to replace your income, quit your full-time job, and become a professional Jackpot Bingo player, you can win quite a bit of money from these games. You will have a lot of fun during the entire process as well, and meet many new friends along the way. Everyone who loves to play Bingo, should try playing Jackpot Bingo at least once.

Yoga for business people workplace implications

Yoga for Business People: Workplace Implications

Mind-body fitness, which derives from Eastern philosophies and religions, improves physical and emotional well-being, and has implications for workplace performance.

The overall benefits of mind-body exercise are documented in an increasing number of scientific studies. They include everything from reducing cardiac risk factors to enhancing mood.

'You're under stress, but you have to be in control all day, and after so many years, what happens is that leads to eating misbehaviors, stress hormone production and cardiac risk factors,. The good news is you can reverse these risk factors non-pharmacologically and develop some habits for a lifetime' that complement conventional diet and exercise.

The kinder, gentler movements typical of yoga improve flexibility, strength and muscle tone and can be more youth-promoting than the wear-and-tear of daily aerobics, weights and running alone.

Especially with the baby boomer generation getting older, they're realizing the need for flexibility, the need for good posture, and the desire for the things that are going to help them look and feel young.

Electronics camera

There is a mindset in the world that any type of electronics camera has to be packed with the best features, and provided by retailers at the lowest price. People are willing to shop at reparable dealers, auctions sites, and also through backstreet vendor and supposedly authorized dealers in Asian countries who boast to have the best electronics camera choice.

These consumers are searching for the magical price that will make their electronics camera purchase the very best. The electronics cameras that are available vary slightly by their features, and are brought to the public in a wide variety of progressive marketing methods that are aggressive, clever, misleadingly honest and quite confusing to the average consumer that simply is looking for a good price to spend on an electronics camera.

The electronics camera market is saturated with a multitude of models that are offered by different manufacturers. The features and styles are relatively the same when you do comparison views on the manufacturers website. One camera manufacturer offer 3 models that are considered high-end, therefore they deserve a higher price, when they simply differ in the number of mega pixels available on the various electronics camera model.

This same camera manufacturer has reproduced the same model of hand held electronics camera, marketing on an attractive model name that is well over stated, and marketed with a difference in electronics camera styled model numbering jargon.

This exact same electronics camera in their product line is featured in 19 different ways, in a variety of stylish and perky colors, but the relative difference in all of the models is a minor non-offering of the digital still image recording feature in about 3 of the models.

The audacity that this manufacturer takes in price gouging on subtle differences is simply outrageous. The prices for these models with mostly the same exact features are greatly different and fluctuate with the old adage of supply and demand. The consumer that is not aware of this subtle difference could spend an extra hundred for an electronics camera that could give them the same performance.

The consumer is not interested in being ghosted by impressive names and hidden qualities in an electronics camera. The consumer simply would like show interest and receive answers to their questions, and be able to buy an electronics camera that they can enjoy and use to record the special memories of their life.

Stand on what you know

There are a million games to play and a million ways to play them. Just to add to the mix there are also a million types of athletic shoes to wear while you're playing. Every major brand of women's shoes offers a line of athletic shoes promising to make you run faster, walk healthier, climb higher, throw farther and feel good while you are doing it. You know that shoes are an important part of playing your best game. But do you know how to pick the best shoes?

Know Your Feet

The type of shoe good for you is one that is made for the particular conditions of your feet. If you have flat feet you need a shoe that is less flexible and provides better support. High arches require shoes with padding or higher insoles to prevent damage. Weak ankles benefit from shoes with a higher top and bad heels do better with gel or springs to take the pressure off. A good shoe for sports bends at the ball of the foot allowing the foot to naturally move and function properly. Make sure you go into the store knowing exactly what your foot needs in a shoe.

Know Your Fit

Remember the mean stepsisters of Cinderella? When the glass slipper (not a good athletic shoe, to be sure) showed up at their house and didn't fit, they cut off their toes and mutilated their feet just to get the shoe on. It didn't work for them, and it won't work for us. We buy shoes to fit our feet, not the other way around. A good fit in an athletic shoe is when the heel is snug against the foot and doesn't move. Heels that slide create blisters and don't support the foot as well. For the front the foot, a space the width of your thumb should be between your longest toe and the shoe. You should be comfortable in your shoes. While some breaking in is good for a shoe, if you feel pain or it doesn't fit right no amount of breaking in is going to help. Make sure the sure in comfortable when you put it on.

Know What Time It Is

You should never shoe shop in the morning. As the day progresses and temperatures rise your feet swell. You should always shop for shoes in the afternoon when you have the best chance of making a perfect fit. Make sure you also have time to try on both shoes, re-lace them if they were laced when you went in, and stand or walk on them for at least 5 to 10 minutes. This will give you much better feel for the long term comfort of the shoes and allow your foot to adjust in them. Wear the kinds of socks you will wear when you are wearing the shoes and if you use any braces of orthopedic devices put those on too. You don't want a shoe that isn't going to accommodate an ankle brace or put your foot at a bad angle for a shin guard.

Remember, the best shoe isn't the one with the highest price or coolest logo. It's the one that fits your foot and lets you play your game.

Copying cd s and copying dvd s - bulk runs

When you have a great many CD's or DVD's to produce in one batch, you are far better off to do a bulk run for the finished product. A bulk run in replication mode means that the disc will be pressed from a glass master and that the artwork will be printed directly onto the surface of the disc. This method will give you a much better quality product, although is does require a little more time, due to the extra steps involved in preparing and creating the master and completing the printing on the surface of the disc.

The term bulk run can refer to a different amount of copies, depending upon the production studio. Some companies consider 50 to 200 copies a short run and handle the production differently. Others consider a bulk run to begin at 800 or more copies. Usually duplication is method chosen for short runs, while replication is preferred for bulk runs.

In this venue, bulk run doesn't mean poor quality, but actually may be better quality since only one glass master has been prepared and all the run is prepared from the same master. In the case of the short runs, each disc is hand duplicated which allows for the possibility of errors and poor sound quality.

Strictly from an economic sense, preparing the master and producing 500 copies from it may actually cost less than duplicating 400 copies or fewer. Of course the artist wants to be able to have the best audio and video quality available for the money.

In it's broadest sense, bulk run means producing in quantity, but in the case of copying CD's and copying DVD's bulk runs may provide both the best quantity and the best quality.

When choosing a production company, review the size of their minimum bulk run and compare that with quality control standards on both the short run and the bulk run. If you can speak to other customers, that will give you a better idea of quality. The production company should be willing to discuss with you how the quality is maintained in either production run size.

Sometimes the bulk runs prices will allow for additional customized options which will help you to decide the volume of product which you want to produce. For example, printed discs rather than glued on labels would be preferable. the quality of the mailing container might make a difference in your decision.

Fast and furious facial

It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home mom, or a corporate professional. You need to keep your appearance at it’s best all the time, and that can be a hard job. But what if you don’t always have the time to go to a Spa for a professional facial? I’ve got just the solution for you.

Today, many Spas provide what is know as MicroDermaBrasion. With this technique, a Spa technician exfoliates the dead layers of skin from your face by using a system similar to sandblasting, but on a much, much smaller scale. With the dead layers of skin removed from your face, it now reveals the fresh new skin underneath. This can give you the appearance of a face lift, without the cost or the surgery.

Most women who undergo MicroDermaBrasion, find that afterwards their skin is sensitive, irritated, and sometimes swollen. Not to mention a professional Spa treatment takes a appointment, and can cost generally between $150 -$600 dollars. So what can you do for yourself that’s just as effective, is quick, and not expensive at all? It’s called a lemon salt scrub. Here’s what you will need.


One Small Lemon

Four Tablespoons of Fine Sea Salt

If you don’t have a lemon, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice is fine, and if you can’t get hold of finely ground sea salt, table salt will do as well.

Cut the lemon in half, and squeeze the juice of one half into a small bowl. Then put the four tablespoons of fine sea salt in, and mix well. You want a solution with the consistency of oatmeal. Then take a few fingertip full of the solution and rub in into your face and pores, making sure to scrub gently as you go. Leave on for five to ten minutes, then wash off with cold water.

You will find your skin is softer and smoother than before, with a nice warm glow, and it cost you less than a few dollars, and no more than 15 minutes from start to finish to obtain. Now you can duplicate at home, or anywhere for that matter, what the Spas charge so much money to provide, at a fraction of the cost, and look great doing it!

Budgeting your cruise tour

Years ago when someone talked about going on a cruise they were in one of two categories - the very rich or the poor. The limited number of rich passengers would be staying in lavish, resort accommodations on the top levels of the ship, while the rest of those who wanted to secure cruise travel would be stuffed like rats in steerage. In recent decades cruising has become more and more affordable, and luckily those on almost any budget can take this style of tour today.

If a budget is very important to you when you are securing your cruise accommodation, you will need to think ahead, know exactly how much you have to spend on your trip, as well as souvenirs you may want to buy, and plan ahead to make sure you get the best return on your money.

When you are initially looking at cruise prices, don't go right to the top of your budget when picking which travel package. In general spending your vacation with a cruise tour is a good way to conserve your money. Keep in mind you are getting accommodations, meals, entertainment and the ship's facilities for one set price. But, often there are a number of 'extra' charges that are going to be added on to that low price you are seeing, so you need a little wiggle room in your budget.

Remember while your cost includes resort living, and meals, it does not include things like snacks you may want in between meals. Also, alcoholic drinks and sodas are usually not included. And, you will have to pay extra for any special tours that you want to take while at your various destinations.

Other fees that you will need to budget for are those that are added by the government from the country you left and those you will visit along the way. There may be port charges and taxes that will be added to your total. Sometimes these fees sneak up in your total as you are finalizing the payment for your trip.

While you may say you always have a couple of extra bucks on hand, these fees are a bit more than that and it's possible that in some cases your port charges, taxes and government fees could be $100 or more a person.

In addition, not everyone lives right beside a port where cruise ships are based. If you will have to get to a port city, you must take into account your travel expenses to that city. If you are flying, make sure to do the math to know what the cost of the flight is as well as any transportation costs to get you from the airport to your cruise ship terminal. If the base port is close enough that you can drive there from your home, remember you are going to likely have to pay to leave your car in a parking lot at the cruise terminal, so take those costs into account as you prepare your trip budget.


How to find after school activities

Start off by making enquiries. Nothing can beat the power of information.

Approach the school authorities first. Find out if they are offering any

after school activities. Get a list of the various classes that are

available in your school. In case the school does not provide any

extracurricular activities for the child, approach your neighbors. Collect

information about any after school programs, the quality of the courses

taught and the timings etc. Also, check out some of the community

resources. These may include places of worship, community centers,

Museums, libraries, the YMCA, The Boys and Girls Club etc.

After you have colleted all the necessary information, discuss the various

options with your child. Find out what his interests are. The best way to

find out what is most suitable is to ask your child. When little children

are too small, you cannot completely rely on their feedback. In this case,

monitor the development of the child on a regular basis. If the child

shows excessive resistance to an activity, it may be necessary to look for

other options. Always consider your family's schedule when planning the

extracurricular activities. If it is difficult for you to chauffeur your

child, you may want to employ tutors at home or conduct some activity at

home itself.

(word count 214)


Keep your eye on the ball

Our preoccupation with sports comes from all the good they can give to us. It allows us to marvel at the feats the human body can achieve with training, practice and strategy. Sports encourages us to pin our hopes on individuals or corporate entities, known as teams, and experience the joy of mob mentality while cheering them on to victory. That allows us escape from our work and school in daily life and gives us a chance to focus on something other than the bills on the desk or the work waiting to be done. However, when controversy enters the realm of sports it has the ability to dampen all of those positive aspects and make us want to spend our time escaping through something else. Nowhere has that become more evident than in the NBA's controversy with hip-hop music.

What's music got to do with it?

The first question one must ask in this controversy is why is a professional sport having a problem with music at all? Other than playing songs before and during games, what does music have to do with basketball? Actually, music as a lot to do with it. Rappers are not only basketball fans but have moved into the realm of corporate sponsors and team owners. Their videos, merchandise and relationships with high-profile players have brought the world above the rim onto the major stage. Critics charge the NBA got into this controversy by exploiting hip-hop to draw crowds into the arena to be a part of this environment. Other say that because hip-hop has its roots in the African-American community which currently dominates professional basketball, it was a natural link. Either way, the baggage that comes with hip-hop music: its roots from being a street form of expression and its current concerns about lyrics involving misogyny, violence and social unrest create an unlikely connection to an American iconic sport.

Gang connections

Media releases from the NBA All-Star game in Las Vegas were filled with as many police reports as on-court statistics. Reports of violence, arrests, shooting, and unlawful behavior made headlines while reports from the game of three point shots, rebounds and passes, remained in the background. Hip Hop music and its gangland connection seem to have taken the brunt of the blame for this turn in the NBA's image. Many columnists and critics point out that other sports have problems with violence and violent actions on behalf of their players. Embracing this possible connection, many well-known street gangs have taken to wearing NBA jerseys of their favorite players and bringing basketball into their world as well. While this may seem to be innocent fan's obsession with their team, the connection between street gangs and NBA basketball is not mutually beneficial.

Turn from the dark side

Anyone of any race can listen to and enjoy hip-hop music. The challenge for the NBA is to separate music from the genre that is violent, dark and unseemly from being a part of their sport and merchandising. They have taken such steps as creating a new dress code and defining behavior both on and off the court for players when representing the NBA. They are hoping to stem the tide of gang-related activity, both on and off the court.

We must always be careful when looking at any trend in music to make sure that our understandings of it are based on statistics and experience and not racial stereotypes and oppressive majority behavior. However, as the scene in basketball shifts from athletic to antisocial, recognition of this controversy and resolving it is imperative for the NBA.

Autoresponders excuse me....courtesy please

The AutoResponder is fantastic and effective for increasing traffic to your website. It helps you save valuable time with its automated response function: emails concerning frequently-asked questions about a service/product or sending a greetings and welcome letter to new subscribers to your program/service. It helps to track the effectiveness of each and every one of your promotions.

The Autoresponder, in short, is an invaluable tool in your business. As one of the most popular marketing tools available on the Internet today, it is used a lot by different types of businesses and websites. However, this great tool is not always used in a proper manner. Below are some rules and regulations to observe:

1. Avoid Flooding: Do not use an AutoResponder Address when submitting to Search Engines

Search Engines like Google and Yahoo!, directories, classified, and free-for-all sites commonly use AutoResponders. Were you to use your AutoResponder to contact these companies, their AutoResponders will reply to yours, then yours to theirs, and so on and so on. This situation would create a cycle of autoresponses that would flood your respective email boxes!

2. Common Courtesy: Do not use an AutoResponder to subscribe to Ezines or Discussion Forums

As Ezines send updates and new information regularly to subscribers, your Autoresponder would respond with a message each and every time. In a Discussion Forum, each person in that Forum will receive our auto response. This can cause a lot of irritation all round, and most of the time you will be unsubscribed. It is often very difficult for the Forum/Ezine administrators to determine who is using the autoresponse.

3. Do not use an Autoresponder to Take Advantage Of Unsuspecting Individuals

Some unethical companies make use of AutoResponders to respond to automated messages; when this happens, the email address in the 'from' field is automatically subscribed to their mailing list. The unsuspecting individuals start getting unasked-for mail and many are fed-up of this as this happens very regularly. Companies that do this, rather than promoting their business properly, create for themselves a very negative image. Remember, bad publicity spreads faster than good.

The Internet is a fantastic arena in which to do business, local, national and international and AutoResponders are simply a great way to save valuable time doing repetitive tasks. However, when used in an unprofessional way, and without regard for your chosen victim-recipients, it will only cause much aggravation and frustration in un-requested-for barrages of emails. You and your company will only stand to lose goodwill and business. Appropriate use can lead to massive amounts of business. Misuse it, and you get...the opposite.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Internet marketing tool known as a blog

This Internet Marketing tool known as a blog is changing the way we receive and view information on line. I am writing this document in my blog now.

My blog is a Word Press Blog and it is pretty cool because within a few minutes, I purchased a domain and installed the blog on my server directed to the new domain.

This is totally cool. People who read the posts in my blog can rate them and leave comments. I have noticed blogs becoming more popular than your standard basic websites.

Search engines love blogs and every time someone leaves a comment it is looked at by the search engines as new and fresh content.

You will notice that on the home page of my blog, there is even an opt in form for building my mailing list of subscribers for my newsletter. Wow. Is the blog idea a cool Internet Marketing Tool or what?

You can comment, ask questions and participate in the conversation right on the blog and you can even opt in to my killer newsletter.

This article will be submitted to the major article directories as well so if you are not reading it on my blog and would like to check it out there, check the link in my bio.

The other cool thing about having a blog as an important Internet Marketing Tool is the fact that you can place links on your blog to direct traffic to other pages.

I set up a blog under the domain poolbilliardssupplies dot com back on January 4th. I posted in the blog about 17 times over the following 30 days. The blog had over 11000 hits in that first month.

I accidentally uninstalled that blog when installing a new one and lost all of the comments and feed back. I did have all of the posts however and I just finished getting them back on line yesterday. (Minor Set Back. LOL)

This was a valuable lesson and I will not be clicking on uninstall again. The biggest draw back is that now my oldest post is in Feb. instead of January 4th.

On a good note, I was checking my stats last night and I made money with Google AdSense, eBay affiliate program (Commission Junction) and Click Bank last week. There has been a large increase in percentage of income since I started posting to my blogs on a regular basis.

Well I guess that’s about it for this post.

To Your Success,


Mental stress and poor body image among men

Having the perfect body has become a very serious issue for many men and women. While some say that it is usual for women to be body-conscious or potentially develop an eating disorder. Various studies suggest that these men developed this condition by seeing of images men with muscular and toned physique being shown in the television, Internet, and magazines. Because of these factors, the male community developed the desire to achieve the same physique that these celebrities possess. Body dysphoria is used by many medical experts to describe feelings of sadness, depression, and self-hate as a result of one's appearance. This condition now affects countless individuals around the world.

Individuals with dysphoria tend to over-train, not minding the effects that may take place in the long run. Oftentimes, these men see themselves as being thin and scrawny. Their goal to become more muscular becomes more intense and will do everything to achieve their wanted physique. They are in a hurry to achieve their ideal physique that they have disregarded the effects that over-training may bring. Over-training can cause physical and mental illness because the excessive intensity of training does not give the athlete or individual enough time to rest and recover. This incident is common in weightlifters, runners, and other athletes. Studies show that about 10-20% of athletes over-train.

The mental stress that are encountered by athletes may also impair the body's immune function. Expectations of coaches, family members, and other people can contribute to a drop in performance and the increase of acquiring infections. Injuries, the actual stress of competition may all aggravate psychological stress. Diminished immune systems encountered by athletes are resembles those that are experienced by people who undergo hypertension and sleep deprivation. In recent studies, highly stressed individuals had high incidences of respiratory ailments over a period of six months compared to unstressed individuals.

Aside from impaired immune system, men who over-train may also experience a temporary reduction in sperm count and quality which may lead to temporary infertility. This happens because the body literally kills itself during training and needs time to recuperate to build muscles and improve the body. Too much or too intense physical activity may reduce the level of hormones in the bloodstream and adversely affect sperm production. Sperm quality and production may return to normal after three days.

Aside from over-training, individuals who have body dysphoria also shows signs of depression, decreased level of performance at work or school due to low concentration, and social withdrawal. In addition, body dysphoric men may feel that they do not measure up to the standards that are portrayed in the television, magazines, and the Internet. They may find some parts of their body to be something to be ashamed of.

Some signs and symptoms of body dysphoria may include the following:

Excessively frequent checking of one’s body or appearance in the mirror;

Constantly flexing the muscles in efforts to gauge progress levels;

Consuming vast amounts of foods in attempt to get larger;

Avoidance of going out because of the belief that one doesn't look good;

Wearing large, baggy clothing to hide one's appearance;

Spending an overabundance of hours in the gym, trying to bulk up;

Not taking compliments well; and

Talking negatively about one's appearance.

Individuals who suffer from body dysphoria and other psychological disorders should talk to health professionals to talk about their condition. These people should also abstain from magazines, television programs, Internet sites, and other forms of media that promote feelings of “measuring-up” what one sees. If this condition is treated in early stages it might be much easier to overcome.

The ins and outs of jenna jameson s relationships

Jenna Jameson has a great interest in everything and everyone around her and is constantly looking for people with whom she can establish deep inner relationships. Her judgments are based on her personal feelings and she has a strong need to be with others.

She is prone to get involved in highly intense, even obsessive relationships - "fatal attractions", so to speak. At its darkest, this urge for intensity in the personal arena may compel Jenna Jameson to choose friends or mates who are rather dangerous or dishonorable characters with a penchant for manipulating and inflicting pain on their "loved ones". On the other hand, Jameson may be tempted to use her own sexuality or charm to play the same sort of game, to use love or friendship as a bargaining chip or to gain power over others. Even if her intentions are basically good, Jenna Jameson will find that her closest relationships are rather tumultuous affairs in which some rather unlovely aspects of her (such as jealousy and the desire to dominate or to be a victim) keep showing their faces. These are qualities that need to be understood and ultimately outgrown.

Tremendously softhearted and sympathetic, Jenna Jameson gives very selflessly and devotedly to those she loves and often allows others to become overly dependent upon her. More compassionate than passionate, Jenna Jameson may become romantically involved with a person because she or she expresses a need for love, rather than out of mutual pleasure or attraction.

She is drawn to sensitive, imaginative, gentle souls - poets, musicians, dreamers - or to someone Jenna feels she can have a deep spiritual relationship with. Jenna Jameson idealizes love and has a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love relationships can be.

Jenna Jameson craves very intense, deep, emotional relationships, and would even prefer stormy, tumultuous relationships to ones that are smooth but lacking vitality and passion. Jenna loves wholeheartedly and expects all-consuming, total devotion and attention from her partner. Casual, light relationships hold no appeal for Jameson.

Loyalty, fidelity and security are very important to Jenna Jameson in love relationships. She is cautious about giving her heart away but true to the one who does win her love. Her tastes are simple, even austere, and she does not appreciate frivolity. Jameson is interested in a person's character and inner qualities far more than in her or her appearance. Casual or superficial relationships do not interest Jenna Jameson at all, for love seems to get deeper and richer and more satisfying for her with time.

She is kindhearted and generous with both her money and her affections, and she is not happy if she has to budget or restrict herself in any way. Pettiness or stinginess is foreign to Jenna's nature and Jenna Jameson feels most comfortable in an elegant, beautiful atmosphere. Asceticism is not for Jameson. Gracious and charitable, she enjoys sponsoring social events or cultural activities. Jenna Jameson has an optimistic, friendly attitude towards others and tends to bring out the finer side of people. She is likely to fall in love with someone who is successful, noble and idealistic.

Jenna's pleasure-loving nature and her emotional and material generosity discussed above are counterbalanced by a certain caution or restraint in expressing her affection, and by a fear of heartache. At times Jenna Jameson is likely to be the jovial, friendly, rather extravagant person mentioned previously, but at other times she is far more contained as described here. Because she is upbeat and fun-loving, people probably do not suspect how sensitive Jameson is to being left out or unappreciated.