Sunday, September 18, 2016

Pets- what you should know about boarding your dog

It is a well-known fact that many consider dogs as man’s best friend. There are times, however, when even best friends must part ways – even if for a brief period of time only. Even if dog lovers abound all over the world, there are places and instances that simply do not allow pets. In situations like these, you just might have to leave your dog.

Boarding is becoming an increasingly common option for dog owners these days. More and more institutions are starting to offer boarding services to dog owners. Yet before deciding to leave your dog in a kennel, there are some things to take into consideration.

The first thing to bear in mind is start boarding your dog early. Just like their human counterparts, dogs do feel some sort of separation anxiety. Dogs that have had boarding experience before they are 5 years old tend to adjust better to kennel conditions as they may still have memories of “litter socialization.”

Choosing the right kennel to board your dog is not a joking matter. The first thing you should do is search your local yellow pages for available boarding institutions and then arrange for a personal visit to each one of them. Evaluate the kennels based on several factors. The overall appearance of the kennel is important. Take note of the cleanliness of the area. Daily cleaning is a must to ensure your dog’s health while you are absent. Make sure that even if the kennels have a no visitors policy (in the areas where the dogs are housed), you will be given the chance to at least view where your dog will stay.

Security is a very important consideration. You will want to rest assured that your dog will be taken care of and will not have the chance to escape. The tendency for pets is to look for their owners when they are not around. Thus you must make sure that the kennel has tight security regarding this matter.

Your dog’s safety is of utmost importance. Inspect his boarding area and see to it that there are no potential harmful objects or substances. It is also necessary for your dog to be alone in his temporary home. Stress might arise due to other pets housed in the kennels. Boarders should have solid dividers in between them. This is especially important for male dogs, which may be more aggressive than others.

Other important considerations regarding the living quarters are temperature, bedding, ventilation, and lighting. Try to choose a kennel with conditions as close to your dog’s normal living conditions as much as possible. Ensure that your dog is fed the proper food and given the right amount of water. If your dog needs regular exercise, look into the facilities of the boarding institution as well.

Leaving your dog, even if only for a few days, is a serious matter. Choosing the right kennel for him or her may take a chunk out of your busy schedule but it is better to ensure his or her comfort rather than to subject him or her to undue stress.

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